Rose Hill Cemetery

Name Of Cemetery: Rose Hill Cemetery
Caretaker: The Rose Hill Cemetery Association
Location of Cemetery: Rose Hill Road, Travis County, Texas (N30.37262, W097.52426)
Driving Directions: Take 290E from Austin to Manor. Turn left on FM 973 and travel 2.2 mi to Johnson Rd, go .3 mi turn right on Rose Hill Rd. (dirt road). Go .2 mi. Cemetery is on the right through barb-wired gate about 80 yds off of the road.
Appearance: Surrounded by 4′ chainlink fence. Somewhat maintained, very overgrown in spots, many damaged markers.
Date transcribed: Updated March 2009, Tim Wilson
Notes: HISTORIC DESIGNATION Granted Jul 2007
Please note: This page is part of the Austin Genealogical Society’s Cemetery Transcription Project. This information was compiled by volunteers who either transcribed historical records or visited the cemetery to write down the names and dates. Unless noted, the volunteer is not an affiliate of the cemetery.


Additional photos

Italicized text denotes unmarked grave.

Last Name First Name Date of birth Date of death Markings/Inscription/Comments Photos
BALLERSTEDT FRIEDRICH FRANZ HERMAN 11/25/1892 2/17/1894 Unmarked. Source: Rose Hill Church Records.  
EBELING EMILIE [nee WERCHAN] [WOLFF] 5/12/1840 3/14/1890 Widow of August Wolff; second husband Jacob Ebeling. Unmarked. Source: St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church (Richland) burial records.  
FELDER HENRIETTE unknown 9/1/1899 Unmarked. Source: Rose Hill Church Records. Mother of Auguste Voelker.  
FINGER SOPHIE [nee TEICHELMANN] 11/29/1833 7/5/1890 Unmarked. Source: St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church (Richland) burial records.  
FRERICH HENRY (INFANT) unknown unknown Unmarked. Source: Rose Hill Church Records.  
FRERICH THEODOR 9/28/1869 5/30/1901 Here rests in God with floral design and acorn on top, Footstone T.F.
GOEDEL HEDWIG E. 10/26/1886 12/1/1886 Name and dates.
GREHL CONRAD 1/1/1848 4/21/1885 Zum Andenken hier ruht in Gott (name) geboren (birth date) gestorben (death date) with crown decoration. Footstone C.G.
HEINZE EDUARD 7/28/1843 2/13/1883 Es starb den treueste Vater der beste Freund und Rather leisz scheident uns allein. Es mach in unsern Leben Sein Schultzgeist uns umschweben Nur dies sei unser
Trost allein.
HERZER CHRISTIAN 2/27/1848 11/2/1914 Father Gone but not forgotten Large family marker May they rest in peace Footstone C.H.
HERZER HENRY [WOELFEL] 1/27/1880 1/1/1896 Gone but not forgotten
HERZER LOUIS 2/19/1884 3/2/1907 Gone but not forgotten
HERZER PHILIPPINE [nee HENNINGER] 2/9/1858 7/12/1920 Mother Gone but not forgotten
HOHARTZ [HOHERTZ] JOHANN 2/15/1841 10/5/1888 So Ruhe wohn. Gott hat an dich gedacht und es sehr gut gemacht Schlaf Müder
Leibschlaf wohl zu gutter Nacht. weil Jesus dir bedacht. verschlaf die hirert ilnen Schmerzen. Wir graben dich in unsere Herzen so ruhe wohd. Geboren Febr….Gestorben Oktober. (Stone shared with wife Ottilie Hohertz.) Footstone “J.H.” Headstone “Father”
HOHARTZ [HOHERTZ] OTTELIE [OTTILIE nee KURTZ] 4/4/1847 1/19/1919 SeeliG Sind die dAleid TrAGendenn sie sollen getrAeSted Werden. Matth 4-5 with oak or holly leaves. Footstone Mother (Stone shared with husband Johann
HOHERTZ INFANT     Unmarked. Source: New Austin Airport by Lonestar Archaeological Services report (personal communication with Adolf Hohertz), 1988.  
HOHERTZ THEODOR 7/15/1873 11/1894 THEODOR HOHARTZ Geboren Juli 15 1873 Gestorben Nov 1894. Ihr Engeln nehm die Thranen von meinen Wangen. Ich weis das euer Sehnen sonst nichts erfreuen kan wen Leib und Sele scheiden tragt mich in Abrahams Schos so bin ich woller freuden und aller Thränen los.” Intricate design of vines.
HOHERZ [HOHERTZ] ADOLPH 5/10/1881 5/1884 Zum Andenken (Inscription on left side of stone stone shared with sister Marie Hoherz. ) Design = birds
HOHERZ [HOHERTZ] MARIE 5/16/1886 2/28/1905 Zum Andenken MARIE Tochter von John und Ottilie HOHERZ GEB. 16 Mei 1886. GEST 1886. Ob sie glein Zeitlich sterben ihr Seele Gott getäht denn Sie sind Gotter Erben lassen die schnöde Weit sie sind frei aller Gefahr und dürfen hier nicht leiden sie loben Gott mit freunden dort bei der Engel Schaar.” (Inscription on right side of stone
shared with brother Adolph Hoherz.) Design=birds.
MEIER WILHELM EDGAR [aka EDGAR WILLIE] 3/1/1903 3/5/1903 Unmarked. Source: Rose Hill Church Records.  
MEIER FERDINAND 5/23/1825 3/5/1920 Footstone Father  (Stone shared with wife Salome Meier.)
MEIER HERMAN 4/23/1860 8/13/1887 Zum Andenken an (name and date). Headstone decorated with crown, cross and scrollwork. Footstone HM (Stone shared with sister Josephine Meier.)
MEIER JOSEPHINE 5/25/1858 9/23/1887 Zum Andenken an (name and date). Footstone JM (Stone shared with brother Herman
MEIER PHILLIPP OTTO 3/3/1895 4/22/1895 Unmarked. Source: Rose Hill Church Records.  
MEIER SALOME [HERR] 10/24/1824 6/21/1907 Footstone Mother (Stone shared with husband Ferdinand Meier.)
MURCHISON INFANT SON ca. 1/1933 ca. 1/1933 Unmarked. Source: Anna Herzer. “A study of the descendents of Jakob Friedrich Herzer,” 1976.  
MURCHISON ELIZABETH MARGARET [nee WENTLAND] 10/5/1896 3/15/1933 Unmarked. Source: Anna Herzer. “A study of the descendents of Jakob Friedrich Herzer,” 1976.  
NELLE DORA [nee LOHMANN] 9/3/1850 2/20/1915 Wife of Henry Nelle
NELLE EMMA I. 9/8/1868 12/26/1873 Ach Wie gerne wolltest Die noch Leben Und Dich mit deinen freun. Dennoch war Dir nicht gegeben Langere Zeit bei uns zu sein. Hingenommen hat dich Gott. Der uns alle nach dem Tod. Einst auf ewig und vereinen Dieser Glaube stillet unser weinen. Footstone “E.I.N.”
NELLE GILBERT 5/11/1906 10/20/1911 Son of HC and Jennie Nelle, footstone G.N., lamb on top
NELLE HENRY 1/21/1833 10/4/1900 Second Headstone reads George Henry Nelle PVT CO F 18 REGT TX CAV CONF STATES ARMY JAN 21 1833 OCT 4 1900
NELLE JAMES F. 7/9/1874 8/1/1954 Dates and name. Father
NELLE SALLIE W. [nee JOHNSON] 1/15/1891 8/1/1969 Dates and name.
NYSTROM C. J. [CARL] 12/12/1844 11/18/1884 (Stone shared with wife Charlotta Nystrom.) Footstone C.J.N.
NYSTROM CHARLOTTA 5/4/1837 10/2/1890 (Stone shared with husband
C.J. Nystrom.) Footstone C.N. Fleur-de-lis design?
REINKE INFANT SON 10/18/1898 10/18/1898 Infant son of Otto & Rosa Nelle Reinke. Unmarked. Source: St. John’s Ev. Lutheran
Church (Richland)
SCHLOSSER WILHELMINE [nee LUEDECKE] 2/8/1823 4/22/1889 Zum Andenken Heir ruht in Gott unsere Tante verwillroete Wopke Geborene Lüdicke geboren (dates) gestorben (dates) Footstone “W.S.
SCHMIDT ADAM 1837 (November) 9/28/1900 Unmarked. Source: Rose Hill Church Records.  
VOELKER MALINDA MAGDALENA 1/9/1899 6/15/1901 Unmarked. Source: Rose Hill Church Records.  
WEHLMANN FRANZ 6/5/1854 10/5/1905 Heir ruht Franz Wehlmann geboren den (birth date) getotet den (death date) with bird design and the word Hoffe on top. Footstone F.W.
WEHLMANN WILHELMINE [formerly HEINZE] 12/7/1844 1/17/1910 Heir ruht (name & date), Du gingst dem Tode froh entgegen Zum himmel war Dein letzter Blick, Dort lohnet Dich des Vaters segen, Dort bluhet Dir das ewige Gluck. Footstone W.W. design=flower on top, anchor and wheat at bottom.
WENTLAND BERNARD WALTER 9/11/1895 3/24/1896 Presumed footstone B.W. found near fragment of stone reading Hier ruht… with lamb design. Source: Rose Hill Church Records.
WENTLAND WILHELM 4/25/1838 1924 (July) Unmarked. Source: Anna Herzer A Study of the Descendents of Jakob Friedrich Herzer,” 1976.  
WENTLAND WILHELMINE [nee WENTLAND 3/17/1858 1/22/1929 Unmarked. Source: Anna Herzer A Study of the Descendents of Jakob Friedrich Herzer,” 1976.  
WERCHAN KAROLINE [nee SCHINDEL] 1/4/1819 4/19/1890 Unmarked. Source: St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church (Richland) burial records.  
WOLFF ANNA 9/22/1876 4/22/1890 Daughter of August & Emilie Werchan Wolff. Unmarked. Source: St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church (Richland) burial records.  
Italicized text denotes unmarked grave. 

Burials Removed from Rose Hill Cemetery Manor, Travis Co., Texas

  Last Name First Name Date of birth Date of death Comments
1 HENNINGER MAGDALENA [nee HORNBERGER] 4/26/1825 1/13/1906 Rose Hill Church records say she was buried in Rose Hill Cemetery; burial and gravestone recorded in Oakwood Cemetery, Austin. Wife of John Henninger, mother of Philippine Herzer (buried in Rose Hill), Katherine Kuempel and Emma Luedecke.
2 BALLERSTEDT CLARA BERTHA DOROTHEA 4/23/1896 6/19/1897 Daughter of Ernst and Anna (Schenkirch) Ballerstedt. Rose Hill Church records say she was moved to “west Texas” (probably Seymour, TX.) Location of Ballerstedt graves still visible and could be confused with grave depressions.
3 BALLERSTEDT GEORG 3/27/1900 10/17/1914 Son of Ernst and Anna (Schenkirch) Ballerstedt. Rose Hill Church records say he was moved to “west Texas” (probably Seymour, TX.) Location of Ballerstedt graves still visible and could be confused with grave depressions.
4 NELLE CHARLES CHRISTIAN 10/25/1872 4/16/1930 Husband of Lena (Frerich) Nelle, son of Henry and Dora Nelle. Moved to Capitol Memorial Park Cemetery, Austin.
5 NELLE HELENA (LENA) [nee FRERICH] 7/24/1875 12/17/1958 Wife of Charles Christian Nelle; sister of Theodor Frerich and aunt of Henry Frerich who are both buried in Rose Hill. Moved to Capitol Memorial Park Cemetery, Austin.
  MEIER JOSEPH FRANCIS 3/16/1856 3/4/1926 Husband of Christine (Herzer) Meier, son of Ferdinand and Salome Meier. Moved to Oakwood Cemetery Annex, Austin.
6 KRAUSE MILTON JOHN 12/30/1919 6/25/1979 Husband of Vergie M. (Nelle) Krause. Moved to Decker United Methodist Cemetery, Travis Co.