Pleasant Valley Road Cemetery

Name of cemetery Pleasant Valley Road Cemetery
Location of cemeteryIn Austin, at the intersection of E. William Cannon and Pleasant Valley Road. The name assigned to the burial site is a name of location only.
Driving directionsFrom the north side of E. William Cannon Drive, immediately east of Pleasant Valley Road, enter the rock quarry driveway. (The driveway on E. William Cannon is perhaps two hundred feet east of Pleasant Valley Road.) The burial site is approximately 50′ from Pleasant Valley Road, and is on top of the bluff overlooking Williamson Creek, which is to the immediate north.
AppearanceOvergrown. The burial site is about 8′ by 12′ and is surrounded by a chain-link fence, with an opening for access. In the past, a couple of funeral home markers were reported, but at the time of the April 2007 visit, only one, with no name, was visible. There are no gravestones.
Date transcribedApril 2007
Transcribed byRonnie & Suzanne Pitman
Please noteThis page is part of the Austin Genealogical Society’s Cemetery Transcription Project. This information was compiled by volunteers who either transcribed historical records or visited the cemetery to write down the names and dates. Unless noted, the volunteer is not an affiliate of the cemetery.